How can I offer language support to the English Language Learners in my classroom if I don’t speak their native language?

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to support ELL students’ language acquisition by adapting strategies already in use. These small things may make a big difference to ELLs. Here are a few ideas. 1. Create a language-rich environment. English language learners will benefit from increased exposure to print and language. A print-rich environment will include

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Beyond Once Upon a Time: Using Stories to Teach Key Concepts

Storytelling brings facts to life and triggers memory and emotion. Close your eyes and remember a story you were told as a child. How old were you? Can you remember the story now? Do you remember how you felt? Did you laugh? Did you cry? Did it make you angry? Stories stick. They form pathways

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A Global Awareness Collaboration Across Disciplines

Teaching students broader concepts using an interdisciplinary approach promotes more authentic experiences and broader learning. Laura Duerr, author of the Spring 2008 Educational Horizons article, “Interdisciplinary Instruction, Educational Horizons,” notes that students also become more involved learners and are able to remove the imaginary discipline lines across subjects, allowing for deeper connections. What’s more, significant statistical research

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Ensuring Valid, Effective, Rigorous Assessments

How can you ensure your assessments provide accurate feedback? What’s the best way to assess students’ learning? During the past several years, we have developed a process that help us ensure we are using valid, effective, and rigorous assessments with our students—a process that every middle level teacher can use. Step 1. Deconstruct the standards.

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When I Call Your Name … Encouraging Students to Do Their Homework

The element of surprise can go a long way in the classroom. “We had homework?” I cringed every time I heard that question as students entered my classroom that first year. Even today, I view homework as a somewhat controversial topic: Is it beneficial? Do students understand the purpose of homework? Is there value in

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What Have Rubrics Got To Do With It?

It’s time to put your traditional rubrics aside and change the way students learn. In today’s assessment-focused education system, we must change the ways we assess students. Our focus should be on changing our classrooms into environments that are focused on learning with support from teacher feedback and self-assessment. With any luck, you still will

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