
Empowering Middle Schoolers with Modern Financial Literacy

In the latest episode of “Middle School Walk and Talk,” hosts Phyllis Fagell and Jessica McGuire delve into the critical topic of financial literacy, highlighting its importance in the middle school curriculum. Joined by Khalia Murray and Kevin Mechenbier from EverFi, the discussion sheds light on why financial literacy should be an integral part of

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Student Reading

Key Features of Effective Reading Intervention for Middle School Students

Today’s middle schools are energetic, dynamic environments, as administrators and teachers strive to incorporate the range of abilities of their students into the increasing demands of advanced curriculum in all subject areas. As I’ve traveled around the country talking with teachers about their classroom experiences, I’ve noticed that many teachers who work with middle school

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Partnerships Make Middle School Education the Best It Can Be

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. -Helen Keller In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of middle school education, partnering with the right people or organizations can be key to success propelling middle school students much further ahead than what is possible when we work alone. Let’s take a closer look

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