Diversity and Social Equity

Engaging the Quiet Highly Capable Learners in Your Classroom

Exploring instructional strategies that engage introverted students Everyone has heard the idiom, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” In our busy, sometimes hectic classrooms, our squeaky wheels—our most extroverted and outgoing learners—are most likely to attract the most attention. Our society, like our classrooms, often highlights the extroverted, outgoing, highly social students. But what about

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From Ideology to Action and From Progressive Pedigrees to Peacemaking

Making social conscience and democracy come alive The call came in December 2015. I didn’t recognize the voice of Dr. Glenda Mosley. A native of the Baltimore, Maryland, area, Dr. Mosley is a business owner, a concerned citizen, and an entrepreneur. Her passion was clear and compelling that day as she spoke about her city

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Beyond Cool Garb

T-shirt literacy and social justice education for diverse adolescent learners. Graphic T-shirts have always had a special place in my life. One of my favorite pieces of clothing in my closet is an old “Schoolhouse Rock!” T-shirt. The shirt features the old PBS television show’s classic logo along with some of the show’s memorable characters,

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LGBT Literature in the Classroom

Future teachers encourage integrating LGBT texts. Early adolescence has been identified as a time of great change and transition. Visible physical changes occur at disparate rates and cause many young adolescents to feel uncomfortable about their differences. Young adolescents are also exploring self and social boundaries. For gay and lesbian youth, suicide is one of

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