A student-produced magazine celebrates middle level student voice. In October 2015, a team of seven editors—all eighth grade boys at St. Christopher’s School in Richmond, Virginia—met during lunch to compare two digital publishing platforms. They judged entries for the Cover Art Contest and debated the potential of QR codes. By mid-November, a staff of 36
For as long as humans have lived on Earth, generations of adults have bemoaned the lack of due diligence in the upcoming generation: “They’re indifferent and don’t work hard,” they declare. “We have to teach them self-discipline and how to be responsible!” This is followed quickly with a list of punitive measures sure to instill
I must be honest with you. With the surge of technology resources that I am being asked to use within the classroom, I feel far from confident in my abilities. I am inclined to blame my ignorance on the fact that I was not born into the technology craze and did not have a cell
Distance learning and classroom visits spark excitement learning social studies Making social studies come alive is a top priority when trying to engage my middle schoolers. I began this process through distance learning. Using Skype in the classroom has enabled my students to travel to places that, as a school, we could not afford to
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We hope you enjoy this article, originally published as a chapter in AMLE’s (previously NMSA) first book, The Middle School: A Look Ahead, published in 1977 and edited by Paul George. While the article remains relevant, and Dr. Lounsbury tells us it advances views he continues to hold, it is also remarkable how we are still
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Standards are important—but just a starting point It used to be that the school or district leader’s answer to the fundamental question, “What are the most important things for me to teach this year?” invariably was, “Check your standards.” Such an answer is dismissive and unhelpful. All of us teach subjects whose standards typically are
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