Want to know awkward? Sitting in a circle of teenagers, asking them to pass a “talking piece” around while they share their thoughts upon completing their first full week of school. I went first to model what one might say in this loud silence. “Well, I’m new to the building too, so I’m feeling pretty nervous
I’m a big planner, so changing what I was intent on writing about for this edition of “Milestones” is a bit surprising. However, if I’ve learned one thing over the years of being a writer, if you aren’t feeling it, don’t write it! Instead, I’ve found myself preoccupied with thinking about AMLE in Nashville this
As an English teacher, I tend to have imaginative relationships with authors. I dream up cross country road trips with some, dinner conversations with others, and my son’s middle name is Holden, borrowed from our “long lost Uncle Salinger.” Instead of asking you what you’re reading, I’m liable to ask who you’re reading. In this blog, I’m going to
So, here’s the thing. I love the idea of an ongoing conversation with teachers across all sorts of platforms. I love that my network of educator friends spans those who are still getting their certification, some who are in their first few years, others who are in the thick of their career like me (just
Some of you have already finished your school year, so feel free to get all reflective by the pool. Others of us, however, are still finishing up with final exams, packing rooms, submitting grades, and all the other end of the year chaos. For those of you at home—enjoy. For the rest of us—hang tight,
A few weeks ago, I posted across social media about teacher #selfcare habits. Maybe #selfcare is more personal than I expected, or maybe people were just too busy to respond, but I found it interesting that by far the most responses I received to this query across platforms came from my friends, not the typical