Research in Middle Level Education Online

20200811-Open Studio-Faculty/Staff

The Research in Middle Level Education Online Editorial Advisory Board guides the editor-in-chief in matters pertaining to the scope, content, and quality of the journal. Members of the Board serve concurrently on the RMLE Online review panel. Board members are distinguished, active scholars in the field of middle level education whose research represents a broad range of topics, theoretical perspectives, and methodologies. The chair of the AMLE Research Advisory Committee (RAC) serves ex officio as a member of the board and the editor-in-chief of RMLE Online serves as chair of the board. If you are interested in reviewing for RMLE Online, please contact

David C. Virtue, PhD
Professor and Head of the Dept. of Curriculum & Teaching
Auburn University
5040 Haley Center
Auburn, AL 36849
Tel: 334-844-4434
Fax: 334-844-6789

Current Members of the Research in Middle Level Education Online Editorial Advisory Board:

Gayle Andrews University of Georgia
Dana Bickmore University of Nevada-Las Vegas
Penny Bishop University of Vermont
Micki Caskey Portland State University
Cheryl Ellerbrock University of South Florida
Shawn Faulkner Northern Kentucky University
Nancy Flowers University of Illinois
Penny Howell University of Louisville
Dana Pomykal Franz Mississippi State University
Katherine Main Griffith University, Australia
Kathleen Malu William Paterson University
Steve Mertens Illinois State University
Nancy Mizelle Georgia College
Mary Roe Utah State University
Kathleen Roney University of North Carolina Wilmington
Sandra Stacki Hofstra University
David Strahan Westen Carolina University
(ex officio, AMLE Research Advisory Committee Chair)
Nicole Thompson Arizona State University
Holly Thornton Appalachian State University
Steven L. Turner Kent State University
Mark Vagle University of Minnesota

Contact Information

For general questions: 1-800-528-6672 or