Partner Publications

The Clearing House

AMLE Professional, Student, and School Members have full access to current and back issues of The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues, and Ideas as part of our publishing partnership with Taylor & Francis Group.

The Clearing House offers informative, practical articles on teaching and administration in middle schools and junior and senior high schools. In peer-reviewed articles, educators report their successes in teaching as well as present articles on administrative procedures, school programs, and teacher education for the secondary level. Theoretical articles and occasional pieces on comparative education also appear. Frequent symposium issues examine major educational issues in depth.

AMLE Professional Members need to login to access The Clearing House.

Assessment in Education

AMLE Professional, Student, and School Members have full access to current and back issues of Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice as part of our publishing partnership with Taylor & Francis Group.

Assessment in Education provides a focus for scholarly output in the field of assessment. The journal is explicitly international in focus and encourages contributions from a wide range of assessment systems and cultures. The journal’s intention is to explore both commonalities and differences in policy and practice.

Contact Information

For general questions: 1-800-528-6672 or