Tag: Rick Wormeli

You’ve always averaged grades. Your teachers averaged grades when you were in school and it worked fine. It works fine for your students. Does it? Just as we teach our students, we don’t want to fall for Argumentum ad populum: something is true or good just because a lot of people think it’s true or good. Let’s

In her Click Here column, Brenda Dyck does a beautiful job of helping us incorporate and navigate technology, but I want to add my voice to hers in support of a particularly powerful tool: Twitter. To be honest, I’m a relatively late convert to its usefulness. Initially, I thought it was major “time suckage” I

Tools for rehearsing responses to expressions of bias and racism in ourselves and others Martin Luther King, Jr reminds us that, “Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.” George Floyd’s death, along with so
Read More… from Specific, Candid, and Helpful Responses to Expressions of Racism and Bias